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My late grandmother had some pieces of furniture that were between 300 and 400 year old. We need less stuff and particularly less new stuff. A 400 year-old wardrobe ("armoire normande") is exactly as good as any new one to store your clothes, has much more character, and may still be just as good in the centuries to come.

That's wonderful if you only move a few times in your whole life, and always have space in your bedroom for a wardrobe, and like the style.

It's impossible if you move apartments every couple/few years, the bedrooms come with closets and there's no good place to put the wardrobe and you don't need it anyways because you have closets, and sure it has "character" but it looks completely out of place because it's the wrong character.

If you want to preserve antique furniture and are able to, then more power to you. There are lots of antique furniture enthusiasts.

But I don't want an antique wardrobe any more than I want to wear a high-collared four-button men's sack suit from 1885.

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