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I think it is quite possible that NVidia's customers[1] are the ones selling hot air. If those customers go away then it turns out that NVidia made legitimately huge profits today, but it was still based on hot air, and their future profits are much smaller just of necessity. It is possible that someone will figure out a good monetization for LLM's, but I'm not aware of any existing yet, which is why I think this is a possible outcome. At least figure out monetization soon enough and with enough free cash flow thrown off that the business case closes with fancy, super expensive accelerators rather than just regular CPU's, which will Moore's Law up eventually.

NVidia is getting rich following the old "in a gold rush, be the ones selling picks and shovels" aphorism, and when the gold rush ends, you still have your money, but the discounted future profits might well be much smaller than you expected.

1: I don't think it would necessarily hurt NVidia, but I do think it might hurt their suppliers. I would be very curious as to how much of the current fab boom across TSMC, Intel, United Micro, Samsung etc. is based on assumptions about AI demand continuing to grow. Those companies would be the ones I would expect to suffer if the demand doesn't materialize because those fabs are going to be ridiculously expensive if they don't keep their order books full.

Semiconductors are a cyclical industry. Undersupply followed by oversupply. Boom and bust. Feast and famine. But demand for semiconductors has gone up, albeit cyclically, for 6 decades. Not a trend I would bet against.

Every car will get AI chips, every laptop, every server, every phone, and many home appliances. And I expect people will eagerly upgrade their electronics to get the faster AI chips in the decade to come.

Will it be a AI accelerator chip or just a regular CPU, which after X number of years of Moore's Law development will be as powerful as a H100 is today? Can you charge that much extra for it in X years, if you are NVidia?

At a certain point the AI chip market disappears and it's absorbed into general purpose computing.

For comparison, in the first dotcom boom, Sun and Cisco did extremely well as infrastructure providers, and subsequently suffered disproportionately.

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