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Together with wasm / js this can give you super lightweight 'electron-like' standalone apps in less than 2 MB. Used as such in in https://github.com/pannous/wasp/

Out of interest, why 2MB and not like 20KB, if it's using the OS's web view? (Depending on the complexity of the app, of course.)

I realise 2MB is really small these days, I just found myself thinking "2MB wouldn't even fit on a floppy disk!"

Primarily because it bundles a webserver to bridge the host code and code running in the browser.

Web servers aren't big! Browsers are huge but servers can be tiny.

I'm sure Caddy and nginx and the like are at least 2MB, but they have a lot of features. Googling around a bit for small web servers, I found this fun blog post: https://lipanski.com/posts/smallest-docker-image-static-webs... They ended up with a static web server in a 154KB Docker image.

> 2MB wouldn't even fit on a floppy disk!

almost yeah


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