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Store reset_time per user. Use a message queue (or postgres notify) to push changes to this value to your apps. Check the user's token was created after the reset_time when validating it.

You would be required to keep a Map<UserId, Timestamp> in memory, potentially with TTL. Most systems can handle this easily for their expected user load. If not, you should have the engineering capacity to figure it out ;)

Logout button sets reset_time to now, as does revoking tokens. This would only allow you to revoke all tokens for one user at the same time, but this tends to be fine, since JWTs should be short-lived anyway and apps should deal with the expectation of them being expired/revoked.

And hope your service hasn't been restarted so it doesn't lose the in-memory revocation list?

Just populate the cache when you need it? You will need a database round trip for the first request per user per application restart, if they haven't reset since. I assumed this was obvious.

Oh, I didn't realize that the design also has a database of revocations. In that case, you can just query that directly :P

You'll want to store your user credentials that they traded for a JWT somewhere. The point of using JWTs is that most of your requests don't have to hit this database.

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