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I fear that Kagi is going to suffer the same fate as Neeva did:

"In a way, the brief flicker of Neeva’s existence tells everything you need to know about the last 20 years of search-engine supremacy. Building a search engine is hard. Building one better than Google is even harder. But if you want to beat Google, a better search engine is only the very beginning. And it only gets harder from there." [1]

[1] https://www.theverge.com/23802382/search-engine-google-neeva...

Not to mention Kagi's continued sustainability issues (28,071 users at the time of writing) [2] and their plans for their own AI products [3] [4] that would inevitably and eventually doom them.

[2] https://kagi.com/stats [3] https://d-shoot.net/kagi.html [4] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40011314

Also, ADeerAppeared is right that government intervention aka a major breakup needs to happen for competition to thrive and I don't see it happening (although I hope I'm wrong).

Thank you for your concerns, but Kagi is not just sustainable but also profitable.

And if you want to know our plans, just check our own blog [1].

[1] https://blog.kagi.com/kagi-ai-search#philosophy

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