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Disclaimer: founder of Kagi search

It would do Google good to publish an AI integration philosophy to address critical issues related to AI in search. Such a document would allow for public scrutiny, which is crucial when your user base is a few billion strong and you are as influential player in the field. It would also serve as a good platform for other companies to study. Kagi has an AI integration philosophy [1], which, while modest, has successfully navigated us through the current AI cycle and I think helped our users understand what they can expect from us.

AI can enhance the search experience, but the core search functionality must be strong and robust first. An LLM grounded in search will only be as good as the search results it gets.

Google's "all-in" rollout of AI into search without first addressing these foundational principles and improving the core search experience is interesting - does it really mean they are betting the house on AI? The more I see things like this from Google and others, the more I want to go back to basics and just continue improving the core search quality.

[1] https://blog.kagi.com/kagi-ai-search#philosophy

Keep in mind that this guy and Kagi themselves can't be trusted as proof by this piece: https://d-shoot.net/kagi.html

Related: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40011314

I'll let the public record speak to my ability to execute and run the business. If you have any concrete points that you think I did not already adequately address, I am happy to do it. Just please do not slander publicly (and keep things on-topic if you can).

Thanks for making Kagi. I'm a satisfied paying customer and daily user.

It's fine to have a philosophy, yes, but if GDPR and the right to be forgotten is not taken seriously enough[0] by a founder of a young product I'll have a hard time to see anything beyond just a mere marketing piece without any liability.

[0]: see sibling comment

Kagi takes GDPR seriously. My personal relaxed attitude (also taken out of context) is due to the fact that we do not need or sell customer data, and have nothing to hide. Transaction with Kagi is as simple as it can be - you pay to be our customer, and we try to give you the best web search results. Happy to address any issues related to GDPR that you think are not already addressed by our privacy policy.

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