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In Postgres listen/notify are inherently lossy channels — if a notification goes out while a listener wasn't around to receive it, it's gone, so they should never be relied upon in cases where data consistency is at stake.

I find that the main thing they're useful for is notifying on particular changes so that components that care about them can decrease the time until they process those changes, and without sitting in a hot loop constantly polling tables.

For example, I wrote a piece here [1] describe how we use the notifier to listen for feature flag changes so that each running program can update its flag cache. Those programs could be sitting in loops reloading flags once a second looking for changes, but it's wasteful and puts unnecessary load on the database. Instead, each listens for notifications indicating that some flag state changed, then reloads its flag cache. They also reload every X seconds so that some periodic synchronization happens in case an update notification was missed (e.g. a notifier temporarily dropped offline).

Job queues are another example. You'll still be using `SKIP LOCKED` to select jobs to work, but listen/notify makes it faster to find out that a new job became available.

[1] https://brandur.org/fragments/instant-feature-flags

Got it, thanks for the reply. The feature flag cache reload use case seems like reasonable one to me.

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