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What makes these "emoji" and not the IBM PC font, which contained hearts, smiley faces, musical notes, gender symbols, and more?


In 1999, Shigetaka Kurita created 176 emoji as part of NTT DoCoMo's i-mode, used on its mobile platform.[25][26][27] They were intended to help facilitate electronic communication, and to serve as a distinguishing feature from other services.[6]


So it's going off ecosystem-ness (i.e. it came from Japan!)

As in the title of the linked article, the earliest emoji are not from 1999, or 1997, but from 1988. I know, because I'm the guy that discovered them.

But, yes, they're emoji because they were created and named in Japan. The IBM set serves a different purpose and exists in a different context. But, they are both living happily alongside each other in Unicode.

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