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Ask HN: Are there any non-Apple RISC processors coming up?
2 points by p0w3n3d 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
While using apple Mac M1 at my work, I have noticed it is superior to other intel computers I've been using by an order of magnitude, in terms of compilation time and power efficiency at least. I wonder if there is or going to be any alternative for a RISC Linux laptop that would perform as well?

Apple spent a lot of money and hired some good designers.

Some of those designers (and others from Intel & AMD etc) are now at other companies designing high performance Arm or RISC-V CPUs. I think we'll start to see some of those in the market in 2025 and 2026, with at least original M1 performance, but perhaps a little better (Apple's advances with M2 and M3 have been relatively small).

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