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Germany is being gutted to “equalize” the EU zone in order to form a centralized authoritarian state like was accomplished in the USA following the civil war, when what as a union of sovereign states that were globally and among themselves represented in DC, were brought under an authoritarian centralize power structure through various sticks and carrots over the subsequent decades to the point that even American academia has settled on the fact that the USA is not a “democracy” at all, but rather a Plutocracy (last time I heard), but that may have also shifted more into a kleptocracy at this point.

The overarching goal of the oligarchs is to eventually merge and equalize the whole of the Americas and Europe into a kind of Oceania from 1984 and revitalize a kind of aristocracy, but whose power and control is abstracted and secured through technology. Some call it digital-feudalism, I think cyber-feudalism is more accurate because it evokes the nexus between human interaction with technology more.

Peoples are promised one thing and they always get something way worse from it, the EU that is effectively already an abstracted tyranny, is just one example.

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