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And now all telecom companies are required to interconnect, right? Or did that not happen? The government mandated that after the "Rogers outage" - so that other providers can act as "backups", so "that never happens again."

> And now all telecom companies are required to interconnect, right?

No. That's not the case at all.

> so that other providers can act as "backups", so "that never happens again."

Also, no.

Also what do you mean by interconnect? BGP IP peering is a thing for a while. Big folks peer with big folks.

"Ottawa announces it will require telecoms to provide backup for each other during outages following Rogers system failure" - https://www.thestar.com/business/ottawa-announces-it-will-re...

Are you aware of this?

When there is only "telecom" and not "telecoms", Ottawa will have to rephrase that.

Canada will be abbreviated to CCP at that point.

Even mainland china's ISPs are not entirely monolithic.

And so this has to be done on a technical level in Canada to have the same capacity as the social oversight of CCP personnel being firmly embedded in each ISP on mainland China, right?

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