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> China Jails Student For Tweets Sent in US Showing President as Winnie The Pooh

So, even if that's true, he was jailed for posting dozens of "comments and inappropriate images insulting to the leader of this country". Not for posting pictures of winnie the pooh.

That’s still unacceptable by western standards. In the US, which is not as free as it declares, there’s a whole category of TV shows insulting the president. Zero repercussions.

That I do not understand. Insulting a president is indirectly insulting half of the country which chosen him. That's OK. At the same time, insulting black people or homosexuals is not OK, despite them being a small minority of the entire population.

Also I think that if we will focus on this particular thing: whether there are legal repercussion for insulting a country leader, that might reveal plenty of countries where it's not allowed. So China might be not an outlier.

Here's some wikipedia that I've found about this topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A8se-majest%C3%A9 and while most western countries allow to insult their leader, that's definitely not all of them.

>At the same time, insulting black people or homosexuals is not OK,

The problem is that those are not okay, they should be okay.

Free speech doesn't mean free from responsibility, so you should still face consequences for whatever you say. If you insult someone you should expect an insult or a libel suit or a fist to the face back, but you shouldn't be barred from insulting someone to start with just like we are free to insult the POTUS and then face any music.

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