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Tell me what they are. I won't do any of those things.

I'm guessing it has something to do with the allegations in this article? https://expo.se/nyhet/elon-musk-funded-nonprofit-run-mit-pro...

But I have no idea whether those allegations are true or accurate–I just did a search trying to work out what people here were talking about, and this is the first thing that came up, and this is the first I've heard of this controversy

No, the allegations in that article are not accurate; I remember discussion of it at the time. The story there is that Nya Dagbladat applied for a grant from FLI, passed the first phase of the grant-award process, and was rejected during due diligence. Then after the rejection had already happened, espo.se ran the article you linked to, which made it sound like they had funded or were going to fund them, which they weren't.

karma_pharmer cannot do that because others will

Can you write it somewhere else then link it?

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