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Thats.... still racist? Why does he think black people have a lower IQ? Nigerian immigrants to the US are some of the most successful immigrants. Like... black people just do not have lower IQs and to say so is considered very dangerous rhetoric for a reason. The reason we even have pervasive belief that black people are stupider is because it was convenient rhetoric for the colonial powers pillaging Africa and treating black people as subhuman cattle. It's not a claim based on fact, nor is it a benign thing to say.

...IQ tests are also wildly flawed measures of intelligence anyway, but let's not even get into that.

>Why does he think black people have a lower IQ?

Because of every study that's ever been done on this topic? Pointing this out isn't racist.

>Nigerian immigrants to the US are some of the most successful immigrants.

Typically those immigrants come from among the smartest few %.

It of course depends on how you cut and slice it, and also on the categorisation of black - but we are talking about approximately 2-3 billion people there if we include India, Indonesia, Africa and the rest of the world.

Can you point to a study that has comprehensively assessed that total population? Or just a few studies by Americans, who make their own racial biases, which from a cynical perspective can be boiled down to rampant and cruel exploitation over several centuries, abundantly clear in the articles concerned?

Immigrants across the world tend to be a slightly self selecting class of folks - why would black immigrants be any different on that front?

Can you point to anyone other than yourself who calls Indonesians black? Because I think otherwise it's not worthwhile discussing categorization and measurement in good faith with you.

South Asians are a wholly different and distinct group. Most Indonesians are South-East Asian, except for Chinese migrants and those living on the island of New Guinea. Africa is a continent, not a race.

What you're saying is all over the place. And I'm not here to discuss politics.

South Asians in the UK in the 80s and 90s were classed as black, n____, etc.

Yup, I"m British and can confirm this was the case and it makes just as much sense as any other categorisation of black. Its almost as if race is a made up social construct. Even within Africa there are many different ethnicities, many of which are not very represented amongst African Americans, which is probably what the majority of people here see as black. That's just a subset of West Africans who are pretty mixed at this point.

>I"m British and can confirm this was the case

Ok, so there's a single country that allegedly had one category for anybody who's "brown". This does not matter at all.

>it makes just as much sense as any other categorisation of black. Its almost as if race is a made up social construct

Until someone needs a transplant. Or takes a genetic test. Or a legitimate anthropology course. Or when you need to call someone a racist.

Bro race is still made up in those scenarios. Somalis, Ethiopians, Zulus and African Americans are all black. None of these groups are the same ethnicity at all. Categorising them as "black" means nothing about their genetics. It means nothing about their culture. It means nothing about their medical outcomes.

>Bro race is still made up in those scenarios.

"Bro", race is a trivial fact to me. To you it's an ideological tenet.

>None of these groups are the same ethnicity at all.

I already explained this to you in another comment. You aren't saying anything new or interesting. Also, Somalis and Ethiopians are part of the same Northern East African genetic cluster.

I knew you were going to be like "ACTUALLY SOMALIS AND ETHIOPIANS ARE VERY CLOSE". Sure, they're not close to the other two.

Also, do not tell me what I think.

Race is an ideological tenet created by colonialists to justify crimes against humanity. It is something non-factual that does not exist. Somalis, Nigerians, Zulus, African Americans - these people are not the same ethnicity. They are simply all black. Categorising them as black is only important if you want to create an artificial hard line in the sand between them and the white peoples. This is useful when you need to pit one group against another.

I do not believe in this ideology. People are people and ethnicities exist on a much smaller scale than race and are much more clearly defined and genetically traceable. Race is made up. It is not an ideology I believe in. It is an ideology enforced on me.

>the white peoples

There it is! The punchline I was waiting for. The name of the villains in your creation myth, a glaring example of doublethink, and the point that you were oh-so eager to make from the very beginning.

>Race is an ideological tenet created by colonialists

A truth independently discovered by every people group. And now of course the medical community and the field of genetics.

>Sure, they're not close to the other two.

Which I explained twice and did it first. Nothing new or interesting.

You realise you actually sound like a cultist with that first line? Like you're accusing me of being a heathen based on some insane subjective interpretation of what I think. I said the wrong words in your mind and now I'm basically a satanist. You literally sound like that. Notice how I just spoke about facts and you have decided to make this about your assumptions about my character.

I have absolutely no problems with white people. I'm literally half white. All my favourite family members who are literally my flesh and blood are white. Most of my friends are white. I grew up in a 99% white community. I do not think white people are the enemy and I do not think the majority of them hold any racist views. I do not hold white people collectively accountable for things their ancestors did centuries ago or assume anything bad about them based on this. I stated facts about history I was not blaming any race in modern times for the existence of these facts. They are just true, but they are of the past. I think white and black people should work together as the one and only race - the human race - to make the world better.

What is your argument against me now? Can you make one without resorting to gross assumptions of me being an evil white-people-hating black power SJW demonrat?

I made it very clear that I do not believe that race is real. So why would I view white people as some sort of inherently morally tarred enemy?

Again, I'm literally more ethnically white more than I am anything else.

>You realise you actually sound like a cultist with that first line?

What cult would that be? The one that doesn't bend their knee to you and your worldview? How unfortunate.

>me being an evil white-people-hating black power SJW demonrat

You've made the case for this abundantly clear. So that's exactly what I think.

>I do not believe that race is real.

Did I say "tenet"? That's too mild. More like the ontological bedrock.

Popular categories of race are at odds with genetic definitions. Does that sound better?

Just chiming in from the peanut gallery to say I am in the same position (wrt extraction) and share the same views stated here.

This whole discussion is pointless - categorizing people by skin colour is ridiculous for almost all purposes, and also, considering history, racist.

Also, didn't "black" and "n-word" switch meanings as slur/non-slur less than a century ago (and might switch them again in less than a century) ?

>categorizing people by skin colour is ridiculous for almost all purposes

Sure. But race is most often about genetic (or ethno-linguistic) heritage, not skin color. A person from Japan might have the same skin color as someone from Greece.

Sub-saharan Africans have greater genetic diversity than other continental populations. Race is just not an accurate categorization.

Yup. Thanks for talking sense. There are tons of ethnicities in Africa. Which one exactly is the genetically stupid one?

>There are tons of ethnicities in Africa.

Only three large racial (genetic) groups in Sub-Saharan Africa.

>Which one exactly is the genetically stupid one?

You're trying to turn this into a normative claim, which it is not. And you started with the assumption that people are just saying this stuff for no reason at all.

Are you trying to say that people didn't know the n word was offensive in....1996?

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