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Bitflips are an interesting form of fault-injection that we could add:


If you know somebody who will pay money for us to prioritize this feature, let me know! Otherwise, I'm sure we'll get to it eventually. We have all kinds of crazy ideas for new faults.

Communication with the outside world is something that we obviously have to ban. This means that all of the inputs to your system are being provided by our platform, and that any dependencies have to be mocked, or run inside the hypervisor with you.

In practice this can cause friction for people with a ton of dependencies. Some of the most common things we've already mocked (for example we have an entire fake AWS that we can run in there with you), and if your dependency is one of our existing customers, we can probably work something out...

How do y'all provide the fake AWS? Is it built in-house or are you running something like LocalStack?

i think they mention in a previous blog post with warpstream that they use localstack

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