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Have you thought why isn’t sustainable for you?

The main problem I faced was giving in “just this time”. Fat and sugar are addictive and when you fall, it makes it easier to fall again.

About healthy food, I had overweight and I mostly ate “healthy food”. I needed to go to a nutritionist and ask him why.

This is what O was eating a year and a half ago:

Breakfast: two bread slices with avocado.

Meal: mostly salads with lettuce, tomato, tuna, avocado, carrots, salt, vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. (I really wanted to lose weight).

Dinner: chicken, sushi, eggs… normally I would add a handful of seeds/nuts.

This is what my nutriotionist told me: you have been eating quite healthy, the problem are the fats: too many healthy fats (extra virgin oil, avocado, nuts… nuts have a lot of fats).

Only add protein shakes when you are trying to gain muscle and you are not able to add normal proteins. I started on protein shakes once I was slim and not able to eat that much food to gain muscle.

A year later I am fully conscious of what I eat. I can have eventually a burger, but I am fully aware that it is really unhealthy.

My proteins today are mainly chicken and salmon, carbs: quinoa, rice, lentils… and almost no fat (I’m trying to get my fat % to 12… it’s quite difficult)

Also read all packaged ingredients you will find nasty surprises in form of fats and sugar in diet / “high protein” meals.

Also no juices!

Agreed: NO juices!!

I don't have a problem with food addiction or cravings, so I am fine to eat a huge burger here and there. Since I don't have this particular addiction problem, I use the "elasticity of willpower" a lot. E.g. if you restrict yourself too much you might rebound the other way, so I give in to desiring a burger in a controlled manner, I don't crave it for the next week.

As for what is not sustainable: for diet, quitting things cold is not sustainable, as small portions will not hurt me and not cause me to crave them. Instead I end up giving up on quitting them, and then they are no longer controlled by portion size.

I do have problems with limiting alcohol and nicotine, so I don't even have 1 sip/drag of those items, so I do know what addictive behavior is.

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