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Agree/disagree. I wish (and maybe this is "the answer") that you could take a basic SQL query and "invert it" into composable components.

A common thing I ended up doing for some "small data" hack projects was extremely liberal usage of SQLite: SELECT ... UNION ( SELECT ... ... GROUP BY ... ( UNION ... etc ) ) ... absolutely terrible SQL, but it got the job done to return the 100 or so records I was interested in.

It'd be great if I could write me some SQL then pop it out into: fn_group001, fn_join(g1, g2, cols(c1, c2)), ...etc...

...and then have composable sub-components of what the janky SQL-COBOL syntax supports, but in a group().chain().join(...) style.

I think I keep running across DataLog as something that's recommended, and of course ProLog has some similarities.

Nothing has been compelling enough to warrant jumping off of SQL, but I really do agree with the grandparent comment: SQL (aka: COBOL) is pretty clunky and non-composable in a way that complicates what you'd think would be straightforward for interactive, non-programming usage.

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