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Not to mention making an already gut-wrenching decision (to place your own child into the foster system) even more difficult if it's perceived to be a one-way door.

I think this may be different stae to state. Here you cannot just place your kid in foster care, they need to meet certain criteria e.g. they are abused or neglected. I guess you could purposefully neglect your kid but there are legal risks there for sure.

The way you can choose to "place" your kid in foster care is to voluntarily terminate your parental rights, which is outside of very rare circumstances a one-way trip. Regardless it is still done both for medical reasons and inability to deal with behaviors.

couldn't you do it privately? find a family who is willing to take care of your kids for a while without getting any government agency involved?

Yes, it's pretty common. The downside to these kinds of arrangements is that the family potentially is not able to do a lot for the kid. If the doctor or the school system decides to ask for any paperwork you're not technically able to take the kid to the doctor, make educational choices, etc.

true, but whether that is an issue really depends on how involved and cooperative the parents are. presumably if parents are looking for private foster places they are able to be involved when needed, like register kids for school. the doctor should also be manageable, otherwise i could not even send my kids to their grandparents for the holidays. so i think in most cases this should work out. no doubt however there are cases where it doesn't. but in such cases government involvement is probably warranted anyways.

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