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DigitalOcean Global Networking Major Outage (digitalocean.com)
24 points by maxproske 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

It's really unsettling that I routinely find out that major services I rely on are down from Hacker News. And the frequency with which these outages happen. Yesterday was Github.

I could understand the frustration if it was posted here first and they took their time reporting it but in this instance the op linked to their status page. You should subscribe to it to learn about it from the source.

> Our Engineering team has observed recovery of all services.

Awww. I was enjoying the reduced spam and fewer malware hamming on my firewalls.

Not surprising. They really have given up on caring about their networks and just let scammers and spammers do whatever they want. Would I trust them to put energy in to proactively fixing up their infrastructure and keeping things happy? Heck, no.

What happened to them? They used to be a good company, quite recently even.

I don't know exactly. I thought so, too, and even got a couple of t-shirts from them at Interop and was fine wearing them. I even recommended them now and then.

However, in the last few years, reporting spam and intrusion attempts to them has gone from something happening within 24 hours of reporting it to absolutely nothing at all being done about it, no matter how egregious the illegal activity.

I suspect they've "optimized" the moneymaking part of accepting money from spammers and scammers, and they've realized that having an abuse team that actually does something about spammers and scammers costs them money, and so they've decided to maximize profits.

I really wish I knew more.

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