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Try (the current incarnation of the ? operator) is actually a very clever trait which does rather more than that.

Types for which Try is implemented can Try::branch() to get a ControlFlow, a sum type representing the answer to the question "Stop now or keep going?". In the use you're thinking of where we're using ? on a Result, if we're Err we should stop now, returning the error, whereas if we're OK we should keep going.

And that's why this works in Rust (today), when you write doSomething()? the Try::branch() is executed for your Result and resolves into a Break or a Continue which is used to decide to return immediately with an error or continue.

But this is also exactly the right shape for other types in situations where failure has the opposite expectation, and we should keep going if we failed, hoping to succeed later, but stop early if we have a good answer now.

A big problem with Try is the function signatures...excuse me, I would like a <<T as Try>::Residual as FromResidual<Result<T, !>>::Output, please. Yes, that is a caricature and I don't know the proper signatures, but c'mon. Read the discussion for the Try v2 RFC if you want a better idea.

...and then they add more syntax sugar to partly sweep the complexity under the rug. I like Rust as much as the next person, but I'm apprehensive about how this will play out.

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