They do it badly. I’ve waited multiple times for other dealerships to find my car or find my keys. One time they lost the keys because the mechanic had taken them home in his pocket.
I’ve had my Tesla looked at twice. The first time I took it in and told them I was here, they didn’t need the key or ask where it was parked. The second time they came to the house, I just walked to work and left it in an accessible place and they did the rest.
Obviously my anecdote doesn't trump your anecdote, but I've had 4 different cars (different brands each time) and a few motorcycles so far (all the same brand but w/e) and have had them serviced at multiple dealerships. In the UK you have to have an "MOT"[1] issued by a dealership every year after the vehicle is over a certain age. So in total I've probably had a vehicle serviced about 20 times across everything from top end fancy dealerships where they give you an espresso and an office to work in while you wait[2] to sketchy places where you feel you probably don't want to touch anything because you'll be covered with germs and/or grease. I've literally never had a problem with my keys or me or the dealer finding the vehicle before after or during.
Again: this just doesn't seem like a problem that even exists let alone is serious enough to warrant giving an entire organisation permanent unfettered access to my vehicle or its location.
Only had 2 newish cars where I’ve used the dealerships, previous cars I just used a local garage.
I’m UK based. Hyundai lost my key. Nissan were just generally useless all round and I’d have to wait ages for anything, including key retrieval.
The woman at Nissan argued with me when my car broke down that I wasn’t due a courtesy car. The RAC driver said I was and when I called the Nissan line they gave me one.
Upon picking my car up I scored the woman down on the feedback sheet. When she asked why I said it’s because she said I wasn’t due a courtesy car and I would have been hundreds out of pocket had I taken her word for it. She then proceeded to argue with me that I wasn’t due a courtesy car despite having had one for 2 weeks.
Pickup/dropoff is very easy too. A simple phone call before and we were able to just pull into the service lot and just leave. They will find it. Then during pickup we just went after hours and grabbed it from the lot. No dealing with anyone or keys or locked gates or anything.
I’ve had my Tesla looked at twice. The first time I took it in and told them I was here, they didn’t need the key or ask where it was parked. The second time they came to the house, I just walked to work and left it in an accessible place and they did the rest.