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Video: Trevor Blackwell's Robot At Y Combinator (youtube.com)
7 points by python_kiss on March 12, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Very cool; however, for those unaware, it may appear more impressive than it is...

From what I can see, it is essentially a teleoperated hand/arm mounted on a (tethered, top AND bottom!) Segway-like base. The latter is a well-publicized Trevor Blackwell hack from several years ago. Watch for Trevor from about the 2 minute mark onwards, standing in the background and wearing a blue shirt. He is in front of a massive control panel, operating the robot's hand with an instrumented (haptic?) glove.

To be fair, this is still an impressive piece of engineering. Undoubtedly, it will serve as an important platform for future development efforts.

Paul--any chance we can see Dexter at Startup School?

I thought this video looked vaguely familiar, and then I noticed myself standing in the peanut gallery.

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