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So your other reply got flagged which I thought was a little harsh (I mean you were pushing it but who am I to talk).

If you’re not convinced about sentiment analysis on e.g. LLaMA 2, I think you’re wrong, but maybe I’m wrong.

If you’re up for it, let’s run an expedient, I’ve got a GPU or two in my living room. This thread seems like a pretty great test set actually.

Maybe we both learn something richer than some benchmark stat?

I too thought flagging the comment was a bit too harsh so I tried vouching for it, but it didn't get resurrected.

I note that the comment is [dead] not [flagged] [dead], so maybe its state has to do with something else than the content of the comment? Just [dead] is, I think, shadowban.

I checked the poster's comments, but since it's a new account there's very few of them and I can't determine the reason for the [dead] from them.

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