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I have twenty years of programming experience and LLMs give me a significant productivity boost for programming on a daily basis: https://simonwillison.net/2023/Sep/29/llms-podcast/#code-int...

I have met my share of folks with decades of experience that was not of quality. The most hilarious are those that open tar gz files using notepad wondering where the code is to those that work on the web but dont know what xsrf is. Experience while long if it’s of the not so great type doesnt count. Not saying this is the case.

LLMs do produce impressive code. Even if they were indeed just procedural generators it would still be impressive. The code has structure and appears useful.

But the issue is that you can tell it makes no sense, there is no thought process behind it. It fits in no greater picture.

Even if you add more context it still has no purpose.

People that find this useful are the same type that copy stackoverflow code that they dont understand. It kinda works when it does but again it doesnt fit in the bigger picture.

Code isnt about spelling instructions - an…ai can do that - code is about what goes where in a way that the what changes as often as the where. It’s the bigger picture. So yes it can help and replace those that spell instructions but it will be hard to replace those that are required to deliver more.

"But the issue is that you can tell it makes no sense, there is no thought process behind it. It fits in no greater picture."

Completely agree with you. That's my job. The LLM is effectively my typing assistant.

Sorry, I may have gotten something wrong by skimming over your link. Is this the "significant project" you have been assisted by LLMs?


That's one of about a dozen at this point - but yeah, that's the one that I used LLMs to research the initial triggers and schema design for.

Here's the transcript (it pre-dates the ChatGPT share feature): https://gist.github.com/simonw/1aa4050f3f7d92b048ae414a40cdd...

I wrote more about it here: https://simonwillison.net/2023/Apr/15/sqlite-history/

Here's another one I built using AppleScript: https://github.com/dogsheep/apple-notes-to-sqlite - I wrote about that here: https://til.simonwillison.net/gpt3/chatgpt-applescript

While it is impressive that an ai can generate all this, the code is anything but significant. Using triggers for history is one sure way to bring a scalable system down fast and one of the first lessons a junior will learn.

Are you sure that holds with SQLite? My benchmarks so far have shown it to add a pretty inconsequential overhead.

Also: not every system has to be a scalable system. That's another lesson junior engineers (should) learn.

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