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> A confident GPT hallucination is almost indistinguishable from typical management consulting material...

If you're measuring based on output, sure, but... the value of any knowledge worker is primarily driven by the input, that is, a client doesn't want "10 ideas" they want "10 [valuable] ideas [informed by the understanding of the business and the market they're operating in]". If a management consultant said "boat shoes" in response to this question they would not have a client much longer.

You could apply this same nonsense task to software engineering, i.e: ask ChatGPT to "write 10 lines of code" and it'll be indistinguishable from the code we churn out day after day.

So you ask for 20 ideas and filter. Even if you throw away 19, it's still useful.

Even if you throw all of them away, the point is the human is simply more effective in their role. Just breaking the ice, the writer's block; anything to get out of the creative rut that we all fall in, is worth its weight in GPUs.

Thank you, you express it much better than I can. "Diabetic-Friendly Shoes" from the above list immediately had me thinking in half a dozen different directions at once.

Not necessarily if the remaining one idea is still garbage.

It's not. That's the purpose of filtering them.

How many turds should i filter though until I suddenly find gold?

How bad do you want the gold?

Probably should have chosen a valuable but inedible element.

They’re all bad ideas, though.

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