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The petition, for any UK readers who might wish to sign it. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/31659

A cultural note: Most online petitions are worthless useless spammy nonsense.

UK epetitions are different, because with enough signatures (currently 100,000) the topic becomes eligible for debate in parliament.

All you really get with a UK e-petition after 100,000 votes is it being sent to some low-end bureaucrat who may (or may not) forward it to the 'Backbench Business Committee'.

There have only been a couple of issues that have been taken seriously in parliament through e-petitions.

First was the details of the Hillsborough disaster and second was taking away state benefits from those convicted during the London riots.

I wouldn't say that most online petitions are worthless. Rather people's signatures are useless if the petition is targeted for UK (as in this case) and people from USA sign it.

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