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In some European countries there's a recent trend to attack people perceived as "the state", such as firefighters and paramedics in certain situations. Afaik, this is usually done by low income, uneducated people that good stone grudge and then lash out. You can indeed be happy that they don't have access to firearms.

This is not done by “low income, uneducated people". This is done by 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants from the middle east and africa. Please be specific, otherwise these problems will never be resolved. I come from a low income neighborhood but native parents, this was unheard of up until the 2000s.

To be specific - Poland. We don't have enough immigrants from middle east and africa for this to be noticeable problem. It's mostly uneducated drunk idiots who target ER teams. Firefighters - I didn't heard about them being targeted yet.

Edit: I don't say that MENA immigrants targeting public services is not an issue. I say that this issue exists globally too, it's a result of having a lot of uneducated demoralised people, whatever their background or origin.

>It's mostly uneducated drunk idiots who target ER teams.

It's the aftershocks of all the coronavirus/antivaxx conspiracy theories. The people who got brainwashed hard attack doctors/ER teams because they see them as murderers.

This was happening already before covid. But conspiracy theories probably made the problem worse.

Maybe in Poland this is the issue, in the rest of Europe it is not.

You theory doesn't check out given the counter example.

There are very few MENA immigrants in Poland so it makes sense to me they would have few riots by MENA immigrants.

At the same time it is possible Polish sports fans are more rabid in their “support”.

First five UK-based examples I found via Google were three white men and two white women attacking paramedics. One used a meat cleaver. (All found with the search "attack on paramedic sentenced <random city>")

(Edit: full disclosure - one more search and the sixth had a common Turkish surname (no mugshot)).

First, the UK is a special case. I’m working right now in Liverpool and it is the most dysfunctional city I’ve been to in Europe. I’ve worked in most of Europe.

Second, the nationality of the perpetrators is often masked in case it is a foreigner.

Third, a random Google search isn’t exactly representative.

Obviously native Europeans have attacked police, medics etc. But organized mobs attacking firefighters, paramedics etc is a new phenomenon.

So that's Poland and the UK that are special cases so far.

> Second, the nationality of the perpetrators is often masked in case it is a foreigner.

Ah, well, if we're going by nationality, I'm 6 for 6 - that last bloke with a Turkish surname was an ex-policeman, so I reckon he was probably a British national.

I think the random Google search is one up on a random internet denizen's unsourced opinion, to be honest. I kicked the tyres of your opinion with the most basic, cursory test and it came up short.

you essentially saying "trust me bro" is even less representative

To be honest I’m surprised this is still up for debate. I was hoping by now, we would be discussing solutions and not what’s going on.



I agree with the principle that we need to stop flinching away from stating this kind of thing, but am unsure if it's actually true that it's ME and Africa for this specific type of antisocial behavior.

Checking out the "offences by outcome" uk gov spreadsheet[1] is a bit of a wash. Africans aren't any more overrepresented than they are for violent crime in general (less, in fact) and Middle Easterners seem to be lurking in the giant bag of "Not Stated" ethnicity. Though at least for assault of emergency workers in general (as opposed to predictable group attacks on entering an area) "White British" are still (barely) the majority.

[1] https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/...

Every time that medical staff is assaulted in Portugal, specially when the code word "family" is used, we already know it was done by a Gypsy group or family who couldn't be bothered to wait in queue to be looked at.

The other "low income, uneducated people" never do such things, always the same group.

Oh wow you just went right for the boring anti-roma racism, cool.

>The other "low income, uneducated people"

You are horribly misinformed if you actually believe this.

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