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Van Rossum, Gosling, Goldberg, Hejlsberg panel and live discussion at PyData '23 (pydata.org)
51 points by smiljo on Aug 30, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

This should be an amazing discussion.

Note that they are behind on sponsorship, which means that currently this discussion isn't being recorded for posterity. If you are at a company who might benefit from sponsorship or are in a position to help, please see:


And let's get this discussion recorded!

> The event will feature the creators of C#, Java, Perl, Python, TypeScript, and Smalltalk in a conversation about programming language design

Weird...I could not find Larry Wall anywhere.

Possibly an inadvertent holdover from a previous event in 2019? https://developers.slashdot.org/story/19/04/21/191201/histor...

in what sense? most likely they intended to invite him but he did not yet confirm, or had to decline for some reason. scheduling or whatever. he also generally doesn't go anywhere without his wife, which can cause problems to invite him occasionally.

I wish one of these panels invited David Moon, if he's also interested of course. He was one of the main creators of multiple generations of Lisp, and of Apple's Dylan. Not the most popular languages today, but they are very well-designed in my opinion, and David is held in a very high regard by those who worked with him. His long-time colleague Guy Steele has been much more public over the years.

Van Rossum, Gosling, Goldberg and Hejlsberg walks into a bar and the bartender asks, "What'll it be, Java?"

I wonder if it’s going to be live or streamed since it’s at a theater.


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