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Firefox 116 (mozilla.org)
18 points by N19PEDL2 on Aug 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

> The upload performance of HTTP/2 has been significantly improved starting with Firefox 115.0, particularly on those with a higher bandwidth delay product (i.e., networks characterized by both high bandwidth and high latency).

This sounds interesting, anyone aware of the details?

Is it just me or is Firefox dying a slow death?

I haven't seen a single dev use FF in years. Even Edge seems to be more popular these days.

Not a dev but I use it exclusively on all my systems except those for work that mandate edge.

It's seen great progress lately. The new local privacy-conscious translation is great. Full CTAP2 passwordless now works (though this took way too long). The tab containers are still amazing.

Oh and they finally fixed video acceleration on Linux and BSD too in 114 or 115. They are really on a roll <3

Younger (20) dev here. FF is the only browser I use (on all of my Mac, Windows and Linux machines), only exception being Safari on iOS.

What's sidebar switcher? Are they bringing back vertical tabs??

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