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Switch from Chrome to Firefox (mozilla.org)
20 points by CalRobert on July 27, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

I am primarily a Firefox user, but there is one small feature of Chrome that I cannot live without. In the dev tools performance tab Chrome has button to reload a page and automatically start measuring performance as a result of that page start.

Also, when I look at the Firefox performance graph its super over the top powerful. So much so that I frequently have trouble understanding it. I suppose I just need to find a tutorial to better help explain how to interpret that data and filter it to what I need to better improve my JavaScript code.

Lack of tab groups, general significant performance decrease, and greatly decreased “small website” compatibility are reason enough to stay away for me.

I support Mozilla with all my heart because they are, as far as I can tell, an honest, moralistic, and helpful company, but I don’t want to use their browser. It just isn’t as good.

Surprised but not surprised that the generic 'switch' page mentions chrome specifically. (visited on android/fennic (Firefox rebrand))

Did it used to say IE at some point?

Prior discussion, but this seems timely.


Reposts are fine after a year.

(The prior discussion is from 3 years ago.)

I love Firefox, but really wish I could group tabs like you can in chrome.

If you want that but on steroids, there are quite a few extensions for vertical tabs which allow grouping and much more. My favourite (after trying most of them) is sidebery. I think there are extensions for grouping the normal horizontal tabs as well, but IMO vertical tabs are a complete game-changer and well worth trying.

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