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Reddit post about supposedly working on Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO) (reddit.com)
12 points by jordn on July 6, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

In my opinion, the vast majority of posts like these that become popular on Reddit (see everything in /r/AmItheAsshole) are just exercises in creative writing. I am impressed at the how well they are written. I am even more impressed that they manage to fool so many people.

fun read. I always think with these things, there is no way they could keep it secret for so long, but perhaps they rely on those who do tell not being believed anyway.

Title: The Allocation of Resources: Reconsidering the Search for Alien Life

Abstract: The search for extraterrestrial life has captivated the human imagination for centuries. However, in light of limited resources, it is essential to reevaluate the allocation of these resources and question whether pursuing contact with alien civilizations is a prudent use of our efforts. This paper argues that diverting resources from the search for alien life towards advancing our own civilization's capabilities is a more pragmatic approach. Furthermore, assuming the intentions and capabilities of potential alien civilizations is highly speculative, emphasizing the need for self-improvement rather than hasty offensive or defensive measures.

1. Introduction: The search for alien life has long been driven by curiosity, exploration, and the desire to expand our knowledge of the universe. Nevertheless, as humanity faces numerous challenges, such as climate change, poverty, and societal issues, it is essential to reconsider the allocation of resources and prioritize improving our own civilization.

2. Focus on Self-Advancement: 2.1 Upgrade for Defense: If aliens are contactable and possess the capability to harm us, it is argued that investing resources in strengthening our civilization's defensive capabilities is a sensible course of action. By enhancing our technological prowess and fostering our own development, we can better safeguard ourselves against potential threats.

2.2 The Unknown Intentions: Speculating on the intentions of extraterrestrial civilizations is inherently risky. Without concrete evidence, it is unjustified to assume hostility. Instead, it is more reasonable to wait for aliens to initiate contact, giving us the opportunity to understand their intentions better. This approach allows for a measured response and avoids unnecessary hostility or fear-driven aggression.

3. Improved Technology: The Best Defense: If aliens are not contactable, it is most sensible to invest resources in advancing our own technological capabilities. Technological advancements have consistently been a driving force for progress, enabling us to tackle a wide range of challenges. By fostering scientific research, innovation, and education, we can better prepare ourselves for any future encounters.

4. Offensive Measures vs. Befriending: 4.1 Assuming Hostility: Assuming that extraterrestrial civilizations are our enemies is purely speculative and based on unsubstantiated assumptions. In the absence of concrete evidence, it is wiser to adopt a cautious and diplomatic approach rather than initiating preemptive offensive measures.

4.2 The Power of Befriending: If aliens possess the ability to destroy us but lack the will to do so, fostering friendly relations and establishing communication channels could lead to mutual understanding and cooperation. By cultivating relationships, we increase the potential for peaceful coexistence and collaborative ventures.

5. Conclusion: In light of limited resources and the numerous challenges facing humanity, it is crucial to reevaluate the allocation of resources towards the search for alien life. Prioritizing the improvement of our own civilization's capabilities, both defensively and technologically, offers a more practical approach. Without concrete evidence of hostile intentions from potential alien civilizations, waiting for them to initiate contact allows for a measured response. Additionally, befriending aliens, if possible, can foster peaceful coexistence and fruitful collaborations. By focusing on our own development, we increase our chances of thriving in the face of unknown challenges, whether they originate from within or beyond our planet.

Good read. I want to believe.

can some expert give her/his feedback?Seems bs to me.

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