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Ask HN: Could you share your personal blog here?
1014 points by revskill on July 4, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1960 comments


I keep meaning to post more, but it's hard to find time. RISC-V, LLVM, and a few other things.

https://dev.to/johntellsall older: http://johntellsall.com/

I blog on everything about Dev, DevOps, and Quality.

A number of topics are on dev speed: fast Dev, fast DevOps (e.g. TDD with cloud resources), fast Startup (post-deploy feedback like A/B testing). Some articles are published, many are in the coffee pot, waiting to be poured out :)

Drop by and say hi!

https://queercat.github.io/blog i write about random tech stuff that interests me at the time. haven't written in a minute but i'd like to again.

Magic The Gathering & 8 billion text files: https://queercat.github.io/blog/posts/on-magic-arenas-deck-l...


Not many posts on there just yet, but experimenting with being super open while developing my next game!


I just published my first piece! Planning to mostly post long-form articles on non-traditional software stuff.


* https://www.heneli.dev/blog/fearless-tinkering-is-functional - Five-part series on functional programming and its advantages


I'm writing about code and delivery. My most shared post is https://fev.al/posts/leet-code/ about why you should stop using leetcode for interviews. I have posted blogs multiple times here, I'm less active but should resume soon.


Some Python and Lua content, as well as some other niche content.

https://zdwolfe.medium.com/ tech and personal musings when I find time to write about them.

My favorite is Schrödinger's Microservice, which was fun to write https://zdwolfe.medium.com/schr%C3%B6dingers-microservice-c4...


DevOps, Cloud related topics mostly. Sometimes some guides / howtos, sometimes my thoughts around technologies I use.

Started this year, few posts already there. I wanted to post on weekly basis, but well ;)

It's my 3rd or even 4th attempt at blogging. Previously I was writing in Polish so I didn't bother keeping archive, also the break was pretty long and everything got really outdated already.

https://ajkueterman.dev/ Personal blog. Mobile Development, TTRPG and other nerd stuff.


Most of my posts are about shell scripting and messaging-based architectures. I wrote a small module framework for Bash that allows you to send messages (point-to-point and pub-sub) between scripts, so I'm doing a small series about enterprise integration patterns in Bash.

I'm planning to cover some of my other projects (embedded, hardware, baking -- everything I do is pretty low-level) once I get around to it.


I write about anything that can help frontend devs to use their skills in the whole stack. Lately, that's decentralization tech.

Wrote more frequently there in the past, but after a year of hobby blogging I transitioned into doing it as my main job and now I write mostly for other people's blogs.

(https://kay.is if you need a "pen for hire")


It's been on and off for a long time, mostly quick "this is how I solved this specific issue" posts but I get enough natural traffic it's clearly helping some people. I want to make time for more long form writing though.


I build communication tools and write about data and technology.

Latest post:

Problem Solving

Software creates value by solving problems. But effectively solving problems is hard. How can we get better at it?


https://shivamrana.me/ RSS: https://shivamrana.me/feed.xml

I write about random experiments I do in my life (data science, personal analytics, reviews, travel, etc). Been travelling a lot this year, but haven't been able to write about it much. Hoping to change that in the next few weeks.


I write about my research in CS and interesting things I read. I've been writing intermittently for 5+ years.

Most popular post: https://bcmullins.github.io/parsing-json-python/. This is a quick and easy method for parsing heavily nested JSON in python.


I've started commentary on the messy business of running a tech conference. (I'm a former NASA engineer now organizing indie conferences for a living.) The essay "Why you can't Kickstart a conference" has thankfully done rather well.

Two days late, but as there have been a few submissions about compilations of the blogs featured in the comments attached to this post, I guess I might as well throw in mine too. https://blog.qiqitori.com

Mostly retro stuff, but not always. In fact, the next post won't really be about retro I think!


I write very infrequently, but my favorite posts are:

- Why is the Quintic Unsolvable? - https://www.akalin.com/quintic-unsolvability

- A Gentle Introduction to Erasure Codes - https://www.akalin.com/intro-erasure-codes

I write a weekly posts of things that happened in the past week in my life, some colour commentary on random things and the old travelogue or two.


I also have a less updated tech blog, usually on AWS, Linux, DevOps



My blog, lists, notes... Really anything I want to share. Quality is meh, content is random, i love it.

http://www.rockoder.com/ Few tech blogs, some opinions, some suggestions.

Sample: https://www.rockoder.com/2020/04/26/passformula/ (Passformula: Create Complex, Unique Passwords and Remember Them All)

The blogposts are centered around tips on latest technology trends and cover topics such as AI/ML, Cybersecurity, DevOps and mostly derived from the products we list on cloud marketplaces (AWS, Azure, GCP).

- https://medium.com/@techlatest.net

- https://techlatest.hashnode.dev/


I talk about application security and other stuff (common pitfalls from working on the field, career advices etc). I have yet to migrate the content from my old blog, but a new post will be released soon™.

An introduction is available here: https://appsec.space/posts/long-time-no-see/


Sometimes I post fun stuff, sometimes I post technical stuff. Right now, I'm nearing the finish on a post about how much I despise Unit Testing (at least the way it's commonly done right now) and an alternative I wish more people would take. It's not really a new topic, but it's not one with nearly enough traction, so I'm just doing my part.


infrequent posts, tech-focused mostly, sometimes about human languages or nerdy jokes...


After a few years as a Software Engineer I realized sitting at a desk was not making me long term happy. After years of saving and planning I quit to drive around the world. I’ve driven the Pan-American Highway from Alaska to Argentina, right around the coastline of Africa and to all the remote corners of Australia. More adventures in the works!


Life Contextualized. - Sep '18 to present. 1100+ posts. Thorough taxonomy. Wordpress. 46 plugins.

automobile, artist, colorization, crystal, culture, enlightenment, fashion, generative, graffiti, haute couture, idea, judaism, kundalini, lyric, mashup, memoir, music, off-grid, photo, rainbow, regal, startup, storytelling, travel, twilight


It ain't much, but it's honest work


I write amateur poetry and post it to my blog above :)


Lesson learned from my giveback projects (mobile, ML, navigation, travel apps)

For now, just a collection of links. Anything interesting I found on the internet or newsletters during a week but plan to start writing original content in a couple of years.



Writing a lot about SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) development-wise and projects made with it. Additionally, I cover topics on software engineering, or anything else that I come across and had some thoughts on.


Just set it up a few days ago.

https://chris.sears.io/projects/audiobook-wish/ has some info on my current side project, Audiobook Wish. Concept is to match people with expiring Audible credits with other people who would like free audiobooks. Any feedback is welcome!

I work in IT (hence my daily visits here) but blog about something else – cycling.


Been blogging since 2008, on and off, using few different domains. This current one is the so called work in progress, no about me page etc. Mostly write via newsletter these days though.

Sharing for the variety's sake I guess this being HN.


I write infrequently about things that interest me. My most popular: https://crnkovic.dev/testing-converso/

Posts about my amateur astronomy / telescope making hobby, or work-unrelated programming projects, mostly Elixir. Before this site I worked on my side-projects by coding things and then eventually blog about it, now I try to write about what I'll code, then code it.


Mine is more of a personal website than a blog - I wrote about bands that I’ve been in over the years and various software projects that I created or was a significant contributor to.


The website uses Notion as a backend. Source code is here: https://github.com/ferrislucas/ferrislucas.net


About writing and analyzing fiction, and now featuring original fiction

I think this is my most popular article: what I learned after reading 100 short stories


https://liorsinai.github.io/ long detailed posts on mathematics, machine learning and algorithms. Most of the code is in Julia but older posts also feature Python, C# and C++. I recently did posts on Transformers and Diffusion Denoising Probabilistic models.

The most popular post is a Sudoku solver in Python.

You only remind me that I don't blog that often, it should turn 25 this year even though I didn't know the word blog back then and scraped the personal posts from it.

Anyways, my last blog post is a bit of a highlight: saving a lightly burnt HDD https://tomk32.de/2022/10/03/hdd-data-rescue-a-burnt-cable.h...

Molex to SATA, lose all your data. Injection-molded thermoplastic SATA power connectors have a tendency to short internally and catch fire, as opposed to SATA connectors made out of two separate pieces of plastic clamped together with a seam.

Yes something like that happened in this dusty, old machine. Good thing she was using the PC when it happened and unplugged it when she smelled the burnt plastic.

Mostly write about Elixir. Check out the search function. It is a rust library run as WASM in the browser (all the right keywords for HN hehe).

My blog: https://victorbjorklund.com/blog

Search library used: https://stork-search.net/

(And yes, I know it is totally overkill to have search when you just got a few articles)

Unlike many people here, I don't like to write hundreds of mediocre posts. Instead, I prefer very few posts, that unfortunately are still mediocre.

If you're tired of all the perfection that exists on the internet, where every piece is deeply insightful and changes your life, I'd encourage you to read my articles, which only promise to shorten it:



I make everyday slice of life pictures, walking about.

Love this. The colour Seoul series is my favourite, but all of the pictures are really interesting and engaging.

Thank you!


Mostly write book reviews, and whatever comes to mind.

I should work on doing so more often, but occasionally post to https://fractaldragon.net/.

Really, it should be one of those things, like journalling I suppose, that most people should try and do now and then. Get some thoughts down, for themselves and maybe others. Writing is a tool for thinking, after all.


Personal blog with random assortment of topics. Something for the Internet Archive to pick up so that one day my children and their offspring can learna a thing or two. Updated now and then. Still restoring a lot of older content from previous CMSes dating back to early 2000s. Currently using ghost and oracle cloud.


It's about product management, leadership, engineering organizations, and related topics. I still consider it personal because all of the content stems from personal experience.


Truthfully I spend more time tinkering with the layout and its features than I do writing but it's truly a very lovely project to always have to fall back on.

AS for other links regarding blogging, I highly recommend checking out the IndieWeb resources.



The loose theme is intended to be how making incremental improvements in the thousands of tiny things we do each day compound to make a difference over the course of our lives.

In practice, it serves more as a publishing ground for a bunch of random things that need to be put on paper/into code.


Intended to make and share my personal projects here. At the moment its around 2 good or known posts and one project. Hosted on github pages, based on Hugo, , which makes me feel too tired just to think about updating it. Will update it someday with most simplest to setup markdown based tool/framework.


I'm pretty bad at sticking to a set list of topics. I like to just write about whatever is interesting me at the moment. Lots of semi-how-to-style posts where I end up explaining how to do the things I find interesting.


That’s my online home. I blog ~once a year mostly if I am releasing a side project that can be useful to others.

Recent release : https://rajkumaar.co.in/posts/vcard-editor (most helpful webapp if you plan to travel internationally soon for the first time)

nice page, would be cooler if the logo text "cd /home" changes as you visit blog (to maybe cd /home/blog)


No words, just pictures I’ve taken, present — 2015.

Here is mine: https://fifty1ststate.com

It's new and has just one post. But over the next few days and months, I am hoping to post voluminous content that has utility and usefulness to a large or niche audience.

The kind of topics will vary from startups, AI, governance, technocracy and other projects and businesses I am building.

Lots of great content here. Thanks OP. Here's mine:


I regularly write & rant about Python, Go, SQL, and the broader spectrum of SWE in general.

After some hand-wringing I decided to remove all my dev-related blog content when I changed professions. Instead you can have my photography portfolio: https://jamiedumont.com.

All coded with vanilla HTML, CSS and JS. No frameworks or templating engine involved. It's very liberating after 12 years of professionally swearing at computers that don't do what you ask!


Not a lot there right now. When I rehosted from WordPress to Hugo (after HostPapa started jacking up prices), I pulled a number of posts. Since I've been on hiatus from adding material to my blog. But, now that Reddit and Twitter have really soured, I'm leaning toward making it the one place where share thoughts.

Most of my article are about Ruby, but I want to cover the intersect of engineering, product, and business.

URL: https://www.gregnavis.com/articles.html Newsletter: https://www.gregnavis.com/newsletter.html

Blog: https://www.jskherman.com

RSS: https://www.jskherman.com/feed.xml

Personal site for sharing thoughts and projects. It's not particularly active because of studies and school, but maybe more frequent posting down the line.


Origami: my designs and general musings


Feed: https://ochagavia.nl/blog/index.xml

I write about once a month, mainly about technical stuff I come across at work (e.g. my last post is about writing a SAT solver for dependency resolution)

https://martinrue.com – my best HN post was my post about Esperanto, which reached #1 here for a few hours, but my favourite to write was the story of how I learned to code on the C64: https://martinrue.com/give-yourself-more-playtime


Mostly just articles with small tricks I don't want to forget and can't be bothered to remember. I added the rel=xml deally, so hopefully the RSS feed gets picked up.

Built with Django and Angular and the source is available!

Mine may or may not qualify as a "personal blog." It is running on blogging software (Wordpress) and I am a person, but our content is more magazine-like than blog-like. In any case, it can be found at https://www.damninteresting.com. Established 2005.

I've been getting your daily list in my email for a couple months: great stuff


I just started this a couple weeks ago to start writing about personal projects. I write all my notes in markdown anyway so Bearblog is the perfect platform for me.

Posts so far: Mean shift rotoscoping, Room 23: Brainwashing Video Generator, Multi Image Steganography, Brake Safe, The Erosion of Patience for Scripted Chatbots and more.

https://bayesianneuron.com - I barely have time to write anymore but its a blog in 2 parts, one is a modern more professional-esque where I write about ML, discrete optimization, and security. The other is a good old fashioned 90s style geocities type “space” where I rant and do random writings


I've done some math tutoring, and word problems are really boring, so I decided to spice them up a bit with monsters and mayhem. Scroll down on the home page to see all the problems (this site is new and a little unorganized right now).

The hope is to eventually write enough problems that they could be part of a real curriculum.


Random projects (one or two have made it to HN before) but mainly just musings on book or films or places I have been. First started in 2006!

HN readers will probably be most interested in my computer related posts:


nice domain


Of which https://blog.flurdy.com/2019/03/blog-quick-blog-now is relevant. And definitely do as I say not as I do...


One post per week for almost 9 years now. (In July I'm going to change this to one post per two weeks since I'm starting another blog.) Mainly Emacs stuff with a bit of JS and PostgreSQL, and sometimes other stuff once in a while.

The blog started in 2006 (then only in Polish), the English version started in 2009, and was rather irregular until 2014.

https://marcelv.net English: https://marcelv-net.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=nl&_x_tr_tl=en&... About my hardware (a lot of Arduino) projects and a UX Blog


I don’t update it as much as I’d like, but I have fun when I do :)

This is the blog I had since 2005: https://www.jimwestergren.com/

I use my own CMS and my own web analytics.

My latest article: https://www.jimwestergren.com/my-recommendations-for-a-happy...


Both blog and digital garden. Themes include: Education, Tech Lite, Life, Psychology and Journaling.

Feed ~ https://foreverliketh.is/blog/index.xml


Huge emphasis on audio-description writing and accessibility, but I run linux, program Python and PHP, and live and go hiking in a biodiversity hotspot, so if those things aren't there yet, they will get a mention one day.

Hand-coded in HTML. No ads, trackers, javascript.


Right now I'm working on posts with interactive code snippets that you can edit / re-run directly in the page (like a Jupyter notebook). It's based off this: https://github.com/rameshvarun/blog-cells


Power by hugo after being on wordpress and then gatsby. The hardest was to get a workflow of writting so that i don't have streaks of multiple month without any writting going on.

Still hard but somehow it is improving. I have also cut out twitter and I am trying to write everything on the blog first and then eventually to to tweet it later


My post recent post is on how to make a KVM hypervisor from scratch starting with Basic Networking.

Details here: https://keeb.dev/2023/07/03/Virtualization-from-scratch-Sett...

I had a blog that got to the top of HN on a regular basis — gilesbowkett.blogspot.com — but I shut it down.

then I made a small, secret blog about music hacking called https://truthindustri.es

now I have a barely-used blog at https://gilesbowkett.com


I like writing about my own projects that usually involve web scraping, OpenStreetMap, or visualizing interesting datasets. I've been at it for about a year, mostly to gain motivation to actually finish my projects. To that end it's been quite successful, and it's a great opportunity to practice writing.

https://blog.steve.fi/ is my blog. The headline is "Debian & Free Software", but these days I write about toy scripting languages, CP/M, random hardware hacks, and other related "computer stuff".

Not exactly a blog but a bunch of essays and stuff I've been writing: https://juan.barriteau.net

Everything there is in Spanish EXCEPT for an (fictional?) idea to replace Google with a decentralized alternative: https://cipr.info


I try to focus on software and everything I've encountered through projects throughout my software career, but often a general post about thoughts on life / software in general sneak in here & there.

My goal is always to share real world examples and code snippets, instead of the 1,000th iteration of the todo app.


A few of my posts on dynamic programming got a fair bit of traction here on HN.

I haven't posted in a while, but after a busy few years, I have some posts lined up. I want to reflect on some teaching I did (one big reason I didn't have time to blog), as well as document me getting a new home server set up (this time with containers, finally).

https://blog.reiterate.app Reiterate is an app I wrote to help guide esports players through the process of self-improvement. The blog covers app releases, musing on self-improvement in general, and technical details about the app's code and the servers that run the backend.


Random stuff, mostly software with a little bit of 3D printing. My latest physical project (an ABENICS clone -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHUv9Zda_48) has been getting a bit of traffic from the 3D printing community.


Posting for years, since 2010 at least, with gaps in between, most of which has served as a notebook of sorts for when I need to go back and find something. A few posts which did well when the blog existing on dev.to, winning a top post of the week award, but other than that, mostly just quick posts.


I usually write about machine learning & statistics topics as well as chess AI. I'm most proud of the search bar, which is all performed client-side so it's lightning fast.


10 years old. Many different things

Blogging about annoying technology at: https://annoying.technology


Not really personal, mostly stuff I would be ok with my employer seeing. I used to write extremely personal stuff online, but then realized it's much better to just have a life and talk to people IRL.


I post about things that are interesting to me, which is mostly MediaWiki software-related (which means Lua, JS, CSS, Python, SQL in a MW context), but also sometimes not - I've talked about random unrelated Python libraries, written a bunch of book reviews, etc.

Two years into hosting this blog I did also write a post about hosting a blog.


This is mostly a tech blog (Linux things) i.e. public notes to myself.

On my other (Dutch) blog I write every day with travel updates or interesting things I learned from books: https://janvandenberg.blog

https://venam.nixers.net and nixers.net I have two main feeds, one is about Unix, really deep articles. And I got usual life stuff and philosophy-related articles. I always try to take new perspectives when I write. The second link is to the nixers community.


Started as a way to train English writing and try to establish some presence online to bolster my CV. Posts of topics related to work, weekend projects, and personal reflections.

It's interesting to get back to older posts and find out how my skills, perceptions and opinions change as I progress in my career.

Mine is here: https://dissociatedpress.net/

About 80% tech topics, 15% culture and music, and about 5% my personal life and cat pictures. I'm thinking of splitting off my personal life topics to another blog. Some of my tech posts get moderate traffic and I doubt any of those visitors care about my personal life overmuch.


The content has varied over the years, but in the past few years, I've used the blog to explore side projects outside of work. This has allowed me to separate my primary responsibility at work (manager/unblocker/collaborator/prototyper) from my personal interests in hacking.


Mostly writing about software I'm working on or things I'm thinking about. Technical topics include: software startups, development with iOS, SwiftUI, Common Lisp (which the blog is built/served with!), Emacs Lisp, and soon Elixir/Phoenix/LiveView.

Was waiting for this moment :D https://arunmani.in I today only thought of (re)taking up the "an article a week" challenge.

I have promised myself to keep the website free of any analytics and especially no JS. That's why there is no way to comment. So, please share your thoughts by reaching out to me using the links in footer.


Not at all tech-oriented. It's just me — a cranky, anti-social old man — and my opinions, about old movies, public transit, news, politics, my mom who gets on my nerves, and long-ago memories of sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll.

I just started, but my hope is to post about nature, photography and computer graphics. I've only got time to finish one full article so far. It's a low-budget guide to the Montreal GP with some sweet photos I'm proud of: https://manas96.github.io/blog/f1guide/

https://nelson.cloud I mainly write about things I learn about in the field. I am slowly putting up more opinions/thoughts.

Some of my fav blogs are:

- https://xeiaso.net/

- https://jvns.ca/

Some Haskell stuff. Some angry rants. Some ideas.



mostly about Swift, my apps, and Indie app development.


I write about cloud minutia and generally focus on serverless. I try to focus on reproducible benchmarks and actionable advice. If you've wondered about the performance of AWS-SDK v2 or v3 in NodeJS, or weird edge case behaviors anywhere from Lambda to zip files, you may be interested.


The most popular article is "Learn Lua in 15 Minutes." I write about code, math, and philosophy; eg, neural networks, permutations, or consciousness.

I also run a weekly machine learning / AI newsletter:



My favorite article is around tech debt (I break it into 3 categories as a mental framework): https://bytesizetheories.com/posts/3-kinds-of-tech-debt/

Ey, here's my blog => https://0xbro.red :)

I blog (and make videos) about what surrounds AppSec, ethical hacking, penetration testing, CTFs, and other various cybersecurity stuff. I also plan to do vulnerability research and responsible disclosures in the future, but only time will tell.

You are welcome to my web space!

https://rjp.is/blogging/ - nothing too exciting unless you're fond of football league rabbit holes, the occasional Minecraft tool, and various other rabbit holes which tend towards coding.


I blog about Product. Few nerdy meta things in there too.

Most popular post is the Cynical PM framework, about focusing on the business role of your product. https://www.ft.io/blog/cynical-pm/

Working on creating free blogging software that is free and open source, so that I can blog more without paying an arm and a leg for hosting.




Been dark for a while... moving everything from PHP to Python and React which has been fun, but tedious. Also, I had a baby and they are just crazy amounts of work (and fun).

I will hopefully soon continue to write about projects I'm working on, tech tutorials, Vim+Neovim, Linux, 3D printing, art and design.


I write about devops and kubernetes in general. I started this last year with the hopes of giving back to the communities that gave me everything. Another advantage is that i use it as a log for things i figured out so i dont forget them ;)


Posting occasionally since 2009.


I post tech-related stuff, mostly just about projects I've built and more recently open source contributions under GSoC. The templating system to publish posts is very basic and custom, I wrote it in Python a couple years ago and never looked back.

I also appreciate some other tech, like using MicroG or Tailscale.

Hey, another GSoC contributor! Seems like you've been making a lot of progress, congrats.

Thanks a lot!


Going since late 2015. I post long form (/blog) and short form (/notes), mostly on programming, maths, (bad) generative art experiments, notes as I learn Japanese, and of course about the blog itself since I spend more time on the custom static site generator than I do on writing actual posts.

My blog: https://hartenfeller.dev/blog . I mainly blog about WebDev (SvelteKit lastly) and Oracle APEX.

It was one of my best decisions ever, as it helped me understand things better and led to me meeting many great, interesting, and clever guys at conferences, etc.


Around 30 posts, few a year. Capturing notes to my future self about tech related topics, life.

RSS feed: https://sergeykibish.com/blog/index.xml

https://davi.sh/blog -- Mostly technical content, but every once in a while I write about something else that grabs my attention.

I'm still trying to make writing regularly more of a habit. I don't have much of a backlog of topics, so trying to work on that a bit.


I write about programming, mainly around emulation, graphics, and game development. I'll soon be writing about my experiences learning Japanese.

RSS: https://riv.dev/feed.xml


It is a work in progress, but I’d like for it to be a place where I can write about projects and anything that interests me. Will primarily be a combination of computer science and urban planning topics, maybe with a little cooking and hiking mixed in.

I blog on https://andinfinity.eu/ occasionally. Microsaas, saas in general, build in public, building startups, planned posts are a lot on go, hexagonal architecture, ddd etc. And also weird things from the internet, love that!


Mostly notes to myself on the tech front. House renovation problems, boat problems (and non-problems), and other errata. These days, never work stuff, though there are some posts from a decade ago.

Looks like WP, but it's actually static. WP is the authoring side, and I export to the main site.


A relatively new blog. I've picked up posting more frequently in the last few weeks. Right now, I'm working through making a simple game end-to-end using WebGPU and TypeScript. I enjoy revisiting the linear algebra involved and focusing on something different to my work day.


I work at a neat intersection of tech, people, and highly regulated industries. I get to write about the things I build and talks I have done, as well as some fun projects. It’s an outlet for getting better at writing and provides a longer record of competence than fizzbuzz interview questions.


I write about building cloud multi-tenant SaaS products and run a niche newsletter that goes further into detail about building these. My goal is to help every software engineer (if they want to do this) turn their side project into a product they can monetize and live off of.


Main claim to fame is that you can read my blog with curl:

curl https://apitman.com/txt/feed

Or netcat:

nc apitman.com 2052 <<< /txt/feed


I blog about FHIR, in the healthcare space. Short posts that I also post on LinkedIn. I started at the beginning of the year and typically post two or three times a week.

It's helped boost my LinkedIn audience and profile. Which has helped in other areas.


Not much content there (guilty of the classic "dev building a blog engine rather than writing content" paradigm), but I had some fun writing interactive articles.

Currently looking into moving from static versioned markdown to a better authoring experience, any pointers welcome.

I swear I should just have an RSS feed of the changelogs for my various blogging engines and not pretend I'm actually going to do any writing with them :-)


Not sure how many people here read both Japanese and English, but it's mostly English with some Japanese posts here and there. It's mostly a collection of side projects that I've been working on and some memos for future me.


Mostly links to various articles and noise I find interesting along with a photo journal of my school bus conversion project.

Not a lot of words. "Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?"


Coming in a little late, I've got a blog where I write about my tech findings in brazillian Portuguese. Mostly short write ups about how I research a new technology or topic (though there are some non tech related stuff here and there).

Sure https://tiltingatwindmills.dev/

I should post more. I'm kind of leaning more towards an old-style homepage than a blog though, that's why I separated out the Notes and Miscellany sections for things that don't really make sense as a part of a chronological series of posts.


I don't write often (mostly lack of time), but I try to write technical articles on how to set things up, or if I want to share an opinion on the state of some things (most of them are older ramblings from when I was younger)

https://maninthedot.com/ my clunky eclectic web face online. slow growing bits of projects and tools, eventual rambles on topics from what i do, made with experimental builds because it's mine and it's fun to play in the codes ;)


Maybe too niche but it's focused on applying Stoicism in our day-by-day situations at work. I started it in November 2022, I usually publish every two weeks. I use problems that happen to me as inspiration.


I write about software engineering and -architecture, am proud about this https://www.fabianzeindl.com/posts/the-codequality-pyramid

https://vtomole.com is mostly Philosophy and Quantum computing

Here is mine: [https://sfss.space](https://sfss.space)

SFSS is a curated collection of science fiction short stories from classic and current authors. This site was created for both sci-fi lovers and those looking to get into the genre through shorter entries.

I recently started my blog on https://blog.fponzi.me/

There are only 2 articles right now, but I would love to get some feedback if anyone wants to provide any. I mostly write about things that I'm learning, and random thoughts. I'm interested in operating and distributed systems. Thanks!


Just a blog where I do some reviews and detail my projects. I'm just starting out.

It's built with Hugo and hosted on Sourcehut pages. You can find the sources below:



Existed for the better part of the last 15 years, and missing /a lot/ of things from older versions, but some of the things I write are archived there.


A lot of it is around engineering management best practices but there are some more philosophical and personal bits sprinkled here and there.

It has hit HN a few times but I’ll admit I have no analytics on it so I don’t really know how many readers I have beyond my newsletter subscribers.


Writings about Python on the Web, with a focus on PyScript and Pyodide. Also occassional notes about other technical projects (mostly microcontroller-based LED controls) and amateur radio.

I don’t write very often but one of these days I will add more. [https://charron.dev](https://charrondev)

I mostly keep it up so I can remember how to keep a next JS project at a very high page speed score.

Technical concepts, distributed systems explained in simple words - https://engineeringatscale.substack.com/ https://medium.com/@animeshgaitonde


I write pretty infrequently so there are only around 30 posts in the 3 years I've been writing. The content is mostly related to software and programming, but sometimes I'll write about anything I find interesting.


There is, however, no content here in English.

Google translate:



My random notes about programming, primarily about Ruby and Rails.

Built with Jekyll, and hosted on Github pages. Source can be found here:



Mostly journaling projects in the physical realm. I’ve been enjoying making things with wood, leather, metal, electronics, 3D printing. And some introspective writing, mostly for myself. I have lots more drafts of projects that I’m hoping to publish in the near future.

A personal journal of the places we travel as “hybrid digital nomads”


Just random career related links. Most of the links I found on HN.


Well, it seems people are still posting here, so here's mine:


"I post things here related to programming and art..... You can also find many blog posts written during ten trips to Antarctica here."


Typical dev blog, though I'd like to invest a bit more into harvesting my thousands of notes, and be less picky on what i share. I am not a good formal writer, so wanting to transition into the more informal style which i find more natural.

https://www.sarimkhalidworld.com/ intended to cover every part of my life.

Really sad I have not updated this for some time now and its currently down....

Not sure if my site https://www.anfractuosity.com/projects/ counts as a blog or not, as the posts aren't chronologically ordered (except in RSS).

Silly posts include visual cryptography keyrings, turning a b&w monitor colour and listening to fermentation bubbles.

I don’t post often - https://rrich.io/writing


It's a continuation of my earlier blog, but I wanted something more minimal. It's not something I'd read if someone else wrote it. Sometimes I like to write. I put professional content on my website.


My personal blog writing mainly about technical things such as Kubernetes (and Containers), WebAssembly or Zig. Lately I’m documenting my progress of learning the Rust programming language by taking notes on specific topics.


Just starting and on my way to 100 subs. I write about the stuff that I live and breathe daily: from startups, fundraising, and AI to bio-hacking, travel, and productivity

Not much to show but some of the posts can be found at mostly related to programming and other tid bits for data analysis. https://www.ashish.zip https://123ash.wordpress.com/


Writing about games and technology, with the occasional sci-fi short story and politics thrown in.


I play a newish game every week and talk about its mechanics, game design, and what makes it interesting.


Tech stuff from an opinionated infra engineer; more slowly growing drafts than already published posts, but I'll get there :)


A suite of blogs on the latest advancements in technology that are shaping the future. From artificial intelligence and wearables to nano-sensors, cutting-edge diagnostics and less discussed medical cases.


Rants about C and undefined behaviors, random experiments with ham-compatible cryptography.

I finally gave up writing my own blog engine after a few iterations over the decades. I am just using WordPress. So at least, there is no article about how I implemented _this_ blog!


Started a couple years ago, but I don't have as much time to write as I'd like. The majority of topics relate to ASIC design and verification, since that is my day job, but with some other side projects mixed in.

https://tejasbubane.github.io/ - Programming blog - mostly Ruby on Rails & postgres.


I keep it tech focused, my personal life is elsewhere. I like doing deep dives into topics, especially where I don't know what I'll find. I usually start with "writing as thinking" and then edit most of it away to get something readable.

I think I'm a little late, but my personal blog is https://ajxs.me/ So far, I've mostly written about my hobby of reverse-engineering vintage synthesisers. I'm currently writing more 'general' tech articles.


I get in about 1-2 posts a year. They're mostly various projects that I do in my spare time: MakerFaire stuff, electronics and computing projects. Occasionally just slice-of-life things that pop up at the time. I recently made the site static, instead of Wordpress.


I am working on better APIs driven by a better user interface experience.

The better APIs are REST but relational. The better UIs are driven by an embeddable component-based view of the API and its data.

The result is plastic software that out of the box more resembles Access or FileMaker than Ruby on Rails.

https://deut-erium.github.io I mostly write about CTFs, SMT solving and cryptography Here are some of my writeups to CTF challenges



Not very many posts. I only started trying to take writing for it seriously the last few months, with a target of one post per month. But I think "All you need is data and functions" is a pretty good read! Briefly made the front page of HN shortly after it was published.


I write about about my favorite machine learning algorithms using as few formulas as possible, and about my journey of learning Rust writing my own machine learning frameworks.

Unfortunately, I only find time to write a post once a month or every other month. But it helps me organizing my thoughts


I usually write posts about code, but this post about culture and values really resonated with a lot of people:



Rambling, personal notes, links to other more worthy pages


My first blog. Mostly writing about inner thoughts, my coding journey, politics and translation related stuff. The blog platform is privacy friendly, fast and unbloated. So the medium is minimal, which reflects my emotions too.

https://johnmathews.is I've been writing since 2016 and have covered a wider range of topics that I ever expected. Initially it was just somewhere to write about the the programming concepts I was trying to learn. It's become my personal archive of resources and notes.


The most useful article is probably the one on personal finance, as lots have told me it cleared up a lot of confusion for them: https://www.ashwinmenon.com/posts/activities/2017-01-30-a-gu...

These two posts on tech interviews are also quite useful to understand the industry and increase your chances of landing a job: https://www.ashwinmenon.com/posts/thoughts/2022-01-21-tech-i...


Please do let me know if you give it a read!


More than 100 essays on various timeless topics.

Most recently I wrote a series called “how to be a game changer” which focused on creating win win situations in all aspects of life. One of the essays “Opt out of cynicism” made it to #2 on HN.

I’ve been slow to write for the last 1.5y as I was giving a birth to a startup.


I’ve not been especially active the past few years. Now doing something at least weekly, but via email and intermittently uploading to my blog.

I write about biotech mostly


https://www.cell-game.com/ https://www.altsci.com/blog/ Blogs are a deep dive sometimes and light fare other times.


The writing is mostly about software projects, but I also document art stuff here as well. Had some fun with the actual site design itself, modeled after a pseudo-file-browser with windows that you can focus, resize, and drag around… hopefully not too unusable. :)

Well, there's hardly anything there:


It's absolutely non-tech, and I'm just starting it, so it looks awful and has only a little content. The original thought was to write about books I've read or re-read recently. I eventually hope to add some original fiction.

Here’s my blog: https://muhammadraza.me/

Mine is https://ache.one

I don't write a lot. Mostly in French. But the web site have a lot of features.

- Static - Multilingual - Integrated performant Kudo system - RSS feed

And a bunch of things like side notes, dark-theme, zen mode, etc. I seem to enjoy to improve the blog more than to write blog posts.


I post a lot about PKM (mainly Obsidian), automation (iOS shortcuts and Alfred), slice of life posts, AI and philosophy. I also have a weekly newsletter!


Pretty proud of my most recent post on AR (written pre-Vision Pro announcement): https://notes.npilk.com/personal-big-screen



Technical and personal stuff mixed up together, running since 2005 on Blogger first, then Movable Type and now Wordpress. Always nice to run down nostalgia lane on my personal life.


Infrequently updated, mostly open source work or research these days. It's been online since I've been in high school.


I haven't posted new content there in a while, but I hope to soon when I find the time. It's still largely a work in progress, and I think I've spent more time working on the custom theme than I have on the actual content.


At the moment, I post fairly infrequently. The whole site is written using emacs org mode. Most of the posts have to do with emacs and data stuff (often doing data stuff in emacs).

https://adnankhan.space/ Just a couple of posts there atm, I write about usability, interaction design, service design and other things that sit on the UX spectrum of work!

My blog is https://blog.usmanity.com

I write about things on my mind but mainly the posts consist of project updates, experimenting with new tech, and occasional one-off things. There’s no defined criteria which could be a good thing or bad thing. I recently moved from Wordpress to Ghost.

https://cobbaut.blogspot.com/ Sometimes hacker stuff, sometimes in Flemish, really succinct book reviews, a bit Lego, a bit Raspberry Pi and Arduino. Some rants with little thought since 2005 :-/


Just started blogging. I want to write about my learnings with RISC-V and rust. However, I need to get comfortable getting words on the page so the topics I've been writing about have varied wildly.

We should all have blogs and reboot "Web rings" mines run on https://micro.blog I dabble about things I find interesting, call it a link blog if you must!



My open source blog mainly with (geospatial) niche tutorials.

It's a pretty personal thing as I mostly (but not only) derive the blog posts from challenges I encounter during work or my PhD research. In this way it documents my learnings and serves as a quite verbose personal wiki.


write about: (1) lessons from building, including building/selling to a F500 for $>90M (2) summaries of stuff books i read

goal is to 1/ share what my failures with others and hopefully help someone 2/ give my thoughts clarity

http://live.julik.nl Been there for nearly 20 years, but haven't been posting much the last few years. Mostly because most of the things I find important are the "people ops" and teamwork-related, and this can escalate quickly

https://www.heyhomepage.com Websoftware for easily building your own website, blog and webshop. With a blog about everything related to the internet and open web.


I used to blog about the challenges of running high throughput / latency sensitive workloads on a shoestring budget at non-profits, these days it's mostly code snippets and me whining about enterprise culture ;')


I blog once a week on Saturday or Sunday, about the thing that is on my mind.

Going through the list above, I have made a note to also start writing about programming, UI / UX and API Performance Monitoring and Improvements.


I write about a lot of stuff, ranging from technical topics like page performance or git commands, up to how I run my business, or management topics like "How to set a goal".

I have a personal blog about golf, Wigs on the Green: https://golfcoursewiki.substack.com/

I started a golf wiki, and I felt pretty unsatisfied with golf media, so I thought I'd start writing about some of the more analytical the stuff I was interested in.


Blog posts on Cloud Security, DevSecOps and other personal experiments+experiences in security

RSS: https://badshah.io/index.xml


I started it fairly recently (linking it here will probably cause the server to melt) Just my space to talk about whatever I'm thinking/working on.

Currently it's focused on Fang, the programming language I'm designing/developing.


I wrote a blog before this one for 19 years and I closed it because the archive of posts had too much weight and limited me on what I could write. Or that I thought. Turns out I write pretty much the same now.


I haven't written much in a while and half the posts are missing, but I've kept it up for over a decade at this point.

Site: https://hugotunius.se

Source: https://github.com/k0nserv/hugotunius.se

Tech: Jekyll and S3. Edge cached HTML and static assets via Cloudflare.

Haven’t written much recently, although I have a few drafts I should finish up.


I still have to find an area of focus for my writing but a pattern so far is that I like explaining and simplifying technical concepts to a non technical audience, starting with Digital Infrastructure and AI.

I really, really need to get back to writing and updating it (let alone use the new static pages instead of PHP) but this is mine: https://0xff.nu/

I write about my (previous) PHP and Python projects as well as experiments and opinions on the small-web.


This is a collection of blogs (not mine) I've read.

Here is mine: https://prashantbarahi.com.np/blogs


Writing about data-as-a-serice (ie. selling datasets), especially as it relates to finance & hedge funds. Includes both technical pieces, summaries of big events at my startup, and higher level questions on data valuation.


I've been blogging since 2008 (but very inconsistently) about sustainability, software development, diet & exercise, entrepreneurship, travel, finance, and other stuff.

My personal website isn’t something I’m proud of from a design or code perspective and most others are usually much better. But if it ain’t broke…

Currently working on uploading and mixing/mastering other guitar ditties


Edit: always finding bugs when viewing it too haha oh well


I write about technical stuff I encounter throughout my day, mostly as a support for myself remembering it. Since it might be interesting for some people I asked myself why not putting it into some blog format.

For frenchs: https://www.mylloon.fr/blog

I am still a student and I never wrote anything before this blog so it's not very interesting but Im having fun (and everything from the software running the blog to posts are by my hand!)

My personal blog: https://ybogomolov.me. I used to blog about functional programming in TypeScript and fp-ts. Now I don’t have much time for that, but I’m planning to revive the blog with more FP content soon.


Going through a bit of a slump, trying to decide what I want to write about and fighting the ADHD in me.

But I'm happy with how the design turned out. First time working with Tailwind, it was a lovely experience.

https://wdkwwdk.com/posts - not much content, most interesting around some 10+ year old outages I investigated. Started writing a bit when I had some free time in 2022, but haven't done a great job of being consistent with new content.


A followup to my former blog nerdcore.de, which you shouldn't visit now as the domain is used as a cheapo content farm.

https://wyclif.substack.com - it's occasionally been on the front page, mostly at weekends: "social science, genetics, history, culture and politics. The drunken ramblings of two Tang-dynasty poets may also feature."


I started this not too long ago, mostly write about stuff that I’m exploring at the moment, i.e. I’m currently writing a quick post about making simple GUIs with Tcl/Tk, which turns out is way simpler and more fun that what I expected :)

Not my personal notes, but how I do my writing and organize my thoughts. This is my Nix configuration that powers my Macbook, Linux PC, and home lab server. Emacs + org-roam to capture everything. https://github.com/dustinlyons/nixos-config


I haven't written anything in 3 years but I think a few of my posts were pretty good. Some of them even made it to the top of HN and Proggit.


The post above talks not so much about technical aspects of programming but rather what people (me included) have done using programming creatively. :)

https://ramvasuthevan.ca/ is my personal site built using Jekyll. https://www.bitsbipsbricks.com/ is my blog built using Ghost Pro


Computer history, some PDP-1 and Commodore PET related content, and a few other things, as well, e.g., we have a closer look at Charles Joseph Minard.

My blog is at https://ailef.tech

I write mostly about my for fun personal side projects. I don't have that many posts but I'm proud of having hit the HN front page a couple of times!


I used to write about evolutionary computation, data science, and other tech bits. I'm on my sabbatical right now and mostly writing pieces with no real common theme. I recently wrote my own static site generator - that held me up a little!


Old tech notes collected over the many years mostly when I had to fix something that wasn't found on the net alreadt at the time. I purged a lot a couple of years ago when I rebuilt it all. Infrequently added but present.

Just a blog running on my Phorge instance. I want to write more about what I'm doing :-)


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