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We need you to stop using HN for ideological flamewar. You've been doing it a lot, and breaking the site guidelines a lot in other ways too, such as by crossing into personal attack:




and failing to edit out swipes:



I don't want to ban you because I don't get an impression of malice or abuse from your comments, but we need you to review https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html and stick to the intended spirit of this site. Ideological battle, political battle, and flamewar are very much against that spirit. We want curious, thoughtful, substantive, respectful conversation. Please do that going forward, and refrain from posting when you can't.

Got it. Dumb luck I saw this post, it was hidden. I didn't know anything was getting flagged. Didn't know how to see these messages.

I'd say it is 50/50, some of my posts were responses in-kind, and to me, some seem more like the other person was the one with the problem, and maybe flagging is itself an attack. Definitely some gray area in interpreting these. And, there are definitely some hot button topics that get flames going everywhere, and I got in the crossfire.

But, I did review the guidelines, and your history of past warnings to others. So know there is a 'two wrongs don't make a right' rule.

So, I'll watch it. I'd rather keep HN as it is than fight.

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