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It's really not bad. It's gotten much simpler and faster in the past 5-ish years. If you take the time to learn it, it does pretty much everything you want, and there's always the API, extensions, automations, etc.

But it's an opinionated tool. Almost every person I have ever worked with has never read the docs, so they just sort of suffer and complain and never learn that they're using it wrong. I'm the guy on every job that has to teach the team how to use Confluence and Jira correctly. My biggest challenge in making Jira work well is convincing coworkers to stop using it wrong. (They'd rather come on HN and complain about it than read the docs or take a Udemy course)

All this is compounded by people who don't even know how to do Scrum or Kanban or even basic project management, so their complaints are also often just people who don't know how to work. Which, again, is most people I have worked with.

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