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Suppose I had not introduced my comment as being primarily generated by an LLM, how would you have policed this or reacted? And to be clear, my comment is doing quite poorly which seems to show the system is working, but I wonder if the summary, judged exclusively on the merits of its content, would have done as poorly? In the absence of my own personal time and alternate summaries in the comments at the time I posted, I found the two paragraphs from this LLM to be pretty damn good.

And yes, I understand the concern about machines batting around ideas with humans, but it seems like up and down votes are working, admittedly to my disadvantage today.

> Suppose I had not introduced my comment as being primarily generated by an LLM, how would you have policed this or reacted

By calling it out as inaccurate [1].

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36133176

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