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My understanding is that you can be subpoenaed to testify as a witness and they don't need to make you whole.

Plain old witnesses, yes. Expert witnesses get paid when you pull them in to support your case.

The State of California should also have some reasonable interest here in protecting their expert witness from retaliation, so they can continue to obtain qualified expert witnesses in future cases.

This is usually the case. Having served as an expert witness in CA, this is what I was afforded. I still had my own legal team to interface with the state, but that was baked into my fee.

Correct, but there is a bit of an unstated threat any time you do this to one of your own witnesses where the witness may give testimony that is not as persuasive to your version of events as you’d like.

“The car was blue.” versus “Well it was dark out and I didn’t have my glasses on but maybe the car was blue.”

Practically California should be helping him, because otherwise one of their supporting witnesses might get their testimony undermined.

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