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And I preferred previous theme anyway...

And it can't be set without being logged in ;/

I use redirector with the following settings:

Redirect: https:\/\/(.)\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/([^?])(?!=\?useskin=vector)

to: https://$1.wikipedia.org/wiki/$2?useskin=vector

Applies to: Main window (address bar)

Thank you for this! Just installed redirector. Actually a few of my tampermonkey scripts are to map twitter to nitter etc, and I have old reddit redirect addon which could be consolidated into this as well.

BTW, to make it work I had to change:

    (.) to ([^.]*) and ([^?]) to ([^?]*) 
I think HN formatting ate some characters (I used indenting to try and preserve)

Are you saying if we use the URL parameter "useskin" set to "vector" we can get the old layout back? I wonder if this applies on other sites using mediawiki.

[EDIT] Fuck me! It does work both on wikipedia and the Arch wiki. So long.

The `useskin` parameter should work on any MediaWiki instance as long as the targeted skin is installed on the instance. You can grab the list of skins from:

Special:Version (example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Version#mw-version-ski... )

An API query: * direct: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&... * demo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox#action=quer...

Which yields the code name of each skins installed (eg: vector-2022, vector, monobook ...).

And if you want the even older skin ?useskin=monobook

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