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Could be another doctor that sells medical services and writes pharmaceutical prescriptions for free, as gifts.

(Granting Equal Liberty, a non-delegable inalienable right that's not granted to Congress by the US Constitution either).

/? Are diet and exercise more effective than pharmaceuticals (and talk therapy) https://www.google.com/search?q=are+diet+and+exercise+more+e...

You should consider re-reading the original sentence as it appears you totally missed the joke.

Protection racket: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protection_racket :

> A protection racket is a type of racket and a scheme of organized crime perpetrated by a potentially hazardous organized crime group that generally guarantees protection outside the sanction of the law to another entity or individual from violence, robbery, ransacking, arson, vandalism, and other such threats, in exchange for payments at regular intervals. Each payment is called "protection money" or a "protection fee".

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