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Your post: "Why would you want to run this on a modern high end PC or phone?"

Another post in the same thread: "In the real world, for this type of code ..., only a very small number of CPUs (Intel and ARM) and C compilers (Clang, GCC and MSVC) matter ..."

These posts are strongly disagreeing with each other but neither of you directly replied to the other, so I'm not sure if you've seen it.

I'm replying to you because I think, between the two of you, you're the one that's wrong and the other poster is right. The original announcement doesn't mention microcontrollers at all and does mention computer games[1]. Further, their defense for the endianness decision was simply that they like it, rather than that they expect any target CPU to be big endian. I think GP is right--this will almost never be run on a big endian CPU.

Indeed, the start of this thread was a piece of code that won't work at all on smaller microcontrollers. I think it's likely this code has never been run on a microcontroller.

[1] https://phoboslab.org/log/2023/02/qoa-time-domain-audio-comp...

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