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>Could you expand on that comment. Do they include attribution to the authors (as they have in blenders license) and all notices that refer to the license?

I don't know.

I'm not entirely sure which libraries licenses are alleged to have been infringed upon. The string "blen" doesn't appear in the Licenses.docx file. There are another ~10 license text files in that folder for libraries that might be Blender-flavored.

>...source code along with executable, or a written offer for source code... Do they follow the remaining conditions?

Again, I can't say, I'm not sure how to search for it without getting false positives and I'm not committed enough to read through that much licensing text.

I agree with my sibling commenter on his assertion that including the license (that mandates furnishing source code on request) is itself an offer to furnish source code on request, but I understand where you're coming from if you don't.

Interesting side note, in the Licenses.docx file there's also a copy of the GNU Affero GPL3 license. I've no idea what they've included that uses that license, but I think the possibility that they've included AGPL3 licensed code could be much messier.

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