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> But likely this will just cause minor reputational damage among HN-types and have no real consequences.

I think so too. Onyx has been in violation of the GPL for a few years now and nothing is happening. Their products are often recommended on HN so the reputational damage even here is likely to be minimal.

> https://www.reddit.com/r/Onyx_Boox/comments/hsn7kx/onyx_usin...

That's just another reminder that HN is a big place with different crowds who don't necessarily intersect or interact on the same topics. I've been a regular reader of and poster on HN for over 10 years and have never heard of this company.

Yep. That's why the reputational damage here isn't likely to be pretty minimal.


Onyx is a Chinese company.

Naturally, they don't recognize FLOSS or commercial licenses originating from European Union or USA.

The catch here would be is to file grievances against major distributors (Amazon, Ebay) and to prevent shipment here until they comply and pay up.

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