Mastering Node doesn't seem to have been updated in some time, and the author is now co-writing a book for Manning Press.[1] (It's available for pre-release as a pdf there.) He may still release it on the Mastering Node site later, but for now that site seems quiet.
Sorry, I don't mean to get off-topic, but I want to start learning Python, but I'm on a Windows machine. Should I work on Linux instead? Because I fins most of the help offered is Linux-based. Thank you! (:
I ended up installing Python 2.7, gedit, and then I had to edit a path field to load Python from the terminal. I've just started Learn Python the Hard Way by Allen B. Downey and I really like the tone he uses, actually. He mentions this, though: "A programmer will eventually tell you to use Mac OSX or Linux. If the programmer likes fonts and typography, they'll tell you to get a Mac OSX computer. If they like control and have a huge beard, they'll tell you to install Linux. Again, use whatever computer you have right now that works. All you need is gedit, a Terminal, and python." I hope when I do transition over to the Linux version, it's not a steep learning curve. I already use Debian, but I've decided to work on Windows...I hope it doesn't hold me back from any valuable learning experience.