I want to use the built in apps for Netflix, YouTube, etc.
LG gave me the option of being tracked. I declined. That’s the only thing that should matter.
I just never accepted the terms on my LG and use a Roku instead, although I'm not sure it is much better. But the interface is a lot cleaner.
Consenting (possibly under duress) to one thing is not the same as consenting to all things.
You might consent to doing various intimate things with a significant other. That doesn’t make you a free for all buffet for everyone else.
It still constantly tries to call home, but it never passed my acceptance onto LG, and with root I can do as I please.
For example, Roku sends back two screenshots per second of what you are watching.
I want to use the built in apps for Netflix, YouTube, etc.
LG gave me the option of being tracked. I declined. That’s the only thing that should matter.