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Corporate Archives in Silicon Valley (usu.edu)
4 points by bitsavers on Dec 30, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

What happened to HP's archive after the breakup

I only skimmed the paper, but it seems that the 2017 wine country fire which destroyed some of the earliest documents in HP's history is not mentioned?


By the time that happened, those papers were with Agilent. This is what happened to the archive of HP. Summary is they outsourced it and didn't hire a new archivist when Anna retired. Recent news is that company in Georgia just acquired the contents of the Australian HP Museum http://hpmuseum.net/ Mirrors of the contents of that site were made available and are now archived at various places around the world. Before HP, Anna worked at the Apple Library and was one of the people who got the contents to Stanford https://annamancini.substack.com/p/how-the-apple-archive-end... Anna worked to save the software archives of HP's 2100/1000 and 68K 9000 product line which are now held at the Computer History Museum (collection X4086.2007 and X5320.2009) She is a software preservation hero.

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