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Raspberry Pi $25 PC on course for January arrival (cnet.com)
28 points by zdean on Dec 29, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

When I first saw the video of this machine running Quake 3, the first thing I thought of was building a box that has a couple of these built in and a few small monitors around the sides, with USB hubs for plugging in mice and keyboards. Mobile Quake 3 LAN center, why not?

Though using one to build a home-baked tablet would be a pretty decent project, I have to imagine the battery would, as always, be the biggest hurdle.

Flagged for cnet.com submission...we can't be giving those slimy bastards any traffic.

Could you explain why please?

Most recent reason might be this one: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3322957

Sticking one of these on my HDTV for legal tormenting of podcasts... and watching them in HD, all in one.

"tormenting"? I suspect auto-correct had something to do with this.

I don't know, some podcasts out there do deserve to be tormented. :P

I think you meant some podcasters out there do deserve to be tormented. The podcast itself isn't going to be hurt by the torment.

maybe he tried to say "torrenting"?

January? I suspect these will be like hens' teeth until about October.

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