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At MegaCompanies, being right, having evidence, and trying to persuade just isn’t enough, as John Fucking Carmack figured out. It’s more like High School. You need to be in the right clique or have the ear of the right Very Important Person.

When you send that E-mail and say “We should do X because Y and Z…” people stop reading at “because” and just go look in the company directory for your name. If you’re high enough on the totem pole, they’ll respond to you. If you’re even higher, they might suggest a meeting to discuss X! And if you are really high up, they will stop what they are doing and do X right away.

What’s surprising to me is how someone like Carmack didn’t have enough totem-pole clout just from who he is! He’s practically a celebrity, and I’d have thought that would go a long way in the High School Drama Club but I guess not.

“High school never ends” hits differently when it’s a little closer to home

> What’s surprising to me is how someone like Carmack didn’t have enough totem-pole clout just from who he is!

He is a game developer. Some people now at Facebook have breakthroughs in Computer Science on their resumes.

Modern capitalism has ushered in a new age of modern fuedalism, at first just inside big companies, but it’s spreading to society in general now.

The distance between now & the world of Cyberpunk is becoming visibly smaller every day.

In what ways? Will we have wearables, bespoke cyberdecks, and side hustles? :)

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