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Show HN: Move your Flickr photos to Facebook (with privacy) (goyaka.com)
14 points by suren on Dec 26, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Nice UX! I see you have a note on the bottom about Picasa support coming soon, so I'd wait for that. Also, a Facebook -> Picasa one would be cool too :)

OT, but does the name of the domain signify anything? I vaguely remember it being some sort of an insult. Was that intended?

I'd like to see Flickr to 500px or somewhere else that preserves originals.

Hi Jace, We preserve the original photos as long as we have access to them. It is available in Facebook as well and could be downloaded from the photo page - https://skitch.com/alagu/gwgny/download-highres

Interoperability between services is bound to be the next big thing. Nice job, guys!

Done! Thanks! Always wanted to move off flickr!

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