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> Code Complete by Steve McConnell

+1. Also, Rapid Development, by McConnell[0]. I would say that it's even better than Code Complete.

It would be considered "quaint," these days, but Writing Solid Code[1], by Steve Maguire, was a seminal book in my education. I still use many of the techniques he mentioned.

And I cannot say enough about The Design of Everyday Things, by Don Norman[2]. That book changed my life. I would consider it required reading, for anyone that develops anything that will be used by other humans.

[0] https://www.microsoftpressstore.com/store/rapid-development-...

[1] https://writingsolidcode.com

[2] https://jnd.org/the-design-of-everyday-things-revised-and-ex...

+1 for the Norman book. A bit verbose, but in the end worth it.

Krug's "Don't Make Me Think", while more UI / UX is a solid compliment to "Everyday Things."

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