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> Declaring a variable or parameter of type T as const T means, roughly, that the variable cannot be modified.

I would add "... cannot be modified through that pointer". (Yes, in fairness, they did say "roughly".) For example consider the following:

    void foo(int* x, const int* y)
        printf("y before: %d\n", *y);
        *x = 3;
        printf("y after: %d\n", *y);
This will print two different values if you have `int i = 1` and you call `foo(&i, &i)`. This is the classic C aliasing rule. The C standard guarantees that this works even under aggresive optimisation (in fact certain optimisations are prevented by this rule), whereas the analogous Fortrain wouldn't be guaranteed to work.

You already know this, but I would add that under strict aliasing rules, this is only valid because x and y point to the same type.

The most common example is when y is float* and someone tries to access its bitwise representation via an int*.

(Please correct me if I'm wrong)


A small detail: you probably meant

  printf("y before: %d\n", *y);

Oops you're right! Fixed now thanks.

*y in both printf, right?

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