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You haven’t told us what problem you are trying to solve. I’m afraid most of the advice you are going to get will be generic.

I’ve started and sold some businesses (had to shut two down)

Business #1 I have experience with outbound/inbound marketing and online marketing. Outbound marketing is the toughest. In my experience, people don’t like to be sold. They will most often just ignore you. I did have success with inbound marketing (Google Ads, SEO, referral) and was able to acquire more than 100+ small businesses as customers, but I had to put in a lot of work and hire sales people to close the deal. The sales cycle are long and slow. After that point on, I decided I’m never going to do offline sales.

Business #2 For my next businesses, an e-commerce store, I used Facebook/Instagram ads to generate $1M in sales.

Business #3 Created an add-on product for a company, partnered with them, built a relationship, sold the venture after 3 years and I still get royalties on sales.

Business #4 A plugin for a CMS, focused on SEO and the venture generates closes to $7k/m like clockwork.

So yeah, the sales strategy depends on what problem you are trying to solve, where your customers live, what’s the most efficient way to reach them, and so many other factors.

If you have specific questions, I’d be happy to answer them.

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